rain santiago galicia

Weather and climate Galicia

Galicia is known as a rainy region. Is that true or just an image? Well, during summer Galicia can be bloody hot, especially in the inner land. Yet the summer is slightly less hot then the rest of Spain. Galicia has a see climate, what makes the temperatures more moderate then in the rest of Spain. This happens in the summer and in the winter. The average temperature in Galicia is between an average of 7 degrees Celsius in January and 18 degrees in August.

For the temperature goes: how closer to the coast, the more moderate the temperature. How further you go to the countryside of Galicia, the temperatures raises in summer and goes further down in winter.
The mountains on the borders of Galicia are often covered in mystic mist. Although the temperature is more moderate at the coast, that doesn’t count for everything in Galicia’s climate, the wind can be very active at the rough Galician coast!

Rain in Galicia

And what about rain? Does it really rains that much in Galicia and how much does it run?

rain santiago galicia

Yes, it’s true. In Galicia it rains more often then in the rest of Spain. And just like with the temperature the weather changes when you go more inland. It rains more often at the Galician coasts then it does in the countryside. More rain falls down in Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, then it does in Ourense. In Santiago de Compostela yearly drops almost 2000 millimeters rain.

Especially in winter and spring you can get wet, on some days it rains for 2 or three times, and there are even days it seems the rain wont stop. But summer is less rainy. It rains less often and the showers are smaller. In July sometimes it rains only 5 times, that’s similar, or even less, then other European countries as Germany and France.

Best travelling time to Galicia

What is the best travelling time to Galicia, when looking to the weather? It truly depends on your activities. Read about the best time to visit Galicia.

If you’re planning to walk the Camino de Santiago we advice you to walk in June or July. Although it can get warm, days are very long and you can schedule your walk and take in mind the weather.
I have to admit Galicia is also very beautiful in rainy periods, but for a long camino it would be best if the weather is dry…most of the time.

Weather forecast Galicia

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