To all the soccer fans, in the following video you will dive deep into ‘O Derbi galego’, the Galician derby between Deportivo a Coruña and Celta de Vigo.
Well, it’s not only about soccer! The first 6 minutes are about Galicia. You’ll see beautiful captures of the coast. And true Galicians who tell proudly about their land and what makes it stand out from Spain, as for example the Percebes.
Soccer in Galicia
In the videodocumentaire both fans of Deportiva a Coruña and Celta de Vigo will present themselves. Both clubs claim to be the true Galicia soccer club. There is a lot of rivalry, especially back in the days there was hooliganism. But besides this rivalry the fans came together in times of crisis, during the Prestige disaster. They came together…for Galicia!
A nice detail from the video I would like to share with you. A typical Spanish soccer tradition. During half time you’ll see al fans grab a ‘bocadilllo’. It’s bought from home and wrapped in aluminium foil. This you’ll see at every footbal match in Spain, just as the chewing and spitting of ‘pipa’s’ (sunflower seeds) to get rid of stress.
If you would ask me, I would definitely recommend you to visit a soccer match in Galicia!